
Pahhhhhhti (that's Korean for Parrrrrtyyy)

*warning, for those of you on a time crunch, clinking on all the links below may result in a long trip down memory lane. However, you should keep in mind they'll also allow you to relive our past humiliations.

February 13, 2009 will mark the 1 year anniversary of 52w14. The past 365 days have been pretty incredible; America got a new president, the blog reached a high of 512 visits in one day (seriously, we don't know what happened either), and I broke the time-space continuum. There were also some really important personal milestones; Jenn got engaged, Lex was forced to face her heady past (several times) and cried (several times). Plus, we even time traveled. So, in celebration of Lex and I actually managing to keep up something for a whole year we're having a blog birthday party. (click on it to see it bigger)
Basically, Lex and I will sit around an asian Rainforest Cafe waiting to see who our real friends are. To make it extra fun (and egomaniacal) you are all to come dressed as your favorite blog post. I know this sounds rather difficult, but the possibilities are really endless.

A few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
Valiant Knight
The Internet
A Tool

*The best costume will win a special prize. Photo entries will be permitted for those who do not live in the Big Apple and can't teleport.
xmlns:og="http://opengraphprotocol.org/schema/" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"> 52w14