
It's Pick on Nerdo Day!

so nerdo comes over to do his laundry a lot and a couple months ago we played this trick on him where when he was downstairs we put a note on the door saying we went across the street be back in 10 minutes and he sat outside the door and had a long conversation w/ leroy through the door while he waited for us to come back....

today was no different from the rest and when he was downstairs we cut a hole in the chair he was sitting and well...lucky enough for u we got the whole thing on video.

***UPDATE***Kim and Jenn are currently cutting the blue masking tape and blow up octopus out of his hair while MMMbop is playing in the background.
UPDATE#2: he voluntarily sat in the chair again!!!!!!!


LL said...

this all looks really, reeally familiar to me......

ghersionmyjersey said...

hahahahahahahhaha. best trick/video ever!

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