
They're Getting a Puppy!

We all knew that tonight was going to be an important night.

We got to Ludlow for an election party and I was kindly surprised to see some friends of mine had made a little birthday party for me. I recieved all kinds of certificates, like those stating I could throw TWO fireballs at close range at Tina's face. Plus Alex Uhlmann touched my thigh.

Despite the sexy distractions we soon remembered why we were there. It was for that awesome Barackin' dude. Thank goodness everyone dressed in the appropriate attire to celebrate the night.

And then...WE WIN!

So we went out to cheer on the streets, the spot where the BIG APPLE really thrives. Everyone was just about running into the streets, hugging, and high-fiving strangers. It was supah fly.
Plus, we got a totally sweet [not so sneak] peek at the future.
I hope a Mutt, Lex says some kind of Doodle. So, what kind of puppy are the Obama's are getting?

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