
Scotch Club --> Peep Show

The end of SB08 is hard on all--thankfully, it means spring in New York is on its way. In order to appease our pain and sorrow we decide to have a gathering which loosely resembled the infamous Scotch Club of the good old days. It was an important night for many reasons: JB Sex joined out lives once more , Morgan drank out of my chalice, and the dog blanket made its first appearance at a social gathering.
We were celebrating not only spring and old friends but also the arrival of one of Kim's favorite holidays--Easter (while Kim may be Jewish, everyone loves sweet chicks in baskets--after all Willow found Princess Elora Danan in a basket). Anyway, upon the strike of midnight the scotch club festivities came to an end, and the celebration of Kim and her love for Easter baskets began. (Keep in mind this was no ordinary easter basket, but a $76 homage to sugar highs that our friend's boss paid for on one fateful late night drunken voyage into Duane Reade--thanks to Kalen and Maggie for making the magic happen). How did Kim react to her surprise? I believe the images speak for themselves...

While some enjoyed the joys of easter, others continued to enjoy (?) the joys of scotch (apparently life as a poet has gotten no easier). The effects of these decisions would be seen soon enough...

As is only appropriate upon opening several boxes of Peeps, we began to make homes for them in our mouths.

Talent (involving peeps, and JB's infamous tools of seduction):

Nausea: (too many peeps? or the pain of seeing Peeps impaled on a pocket knife?) You live, you learn. You make the same mistakes over and over. Scotch + sugar coated marshmallows = one huge tiny mistake. But in the end only one thing matters, spring is coming.

1 comment:

Courtesy of said...

after reviewing your last 5 posts i realize that there's almost always a "im so wasted my head's against a wall" or "we're so wasted we're piled upon each other" or "im so wasted you can tell im so wasted" pic.


party like an undergrad.

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