
Copycat U.S.A.

As most of us know intimately, social networking sites are quite the phenom. We can build carefully calculated online personalities and stalk friends from middle school secretly. As you might imagine these voyeuristic endeavors can be quite revealing. Below we expose one fan who converted admiration into imitation...

We here at 52w14 hold our fans near and dear to our heart. We share what we love for those we love. Just imagine how we felt, way back on February 28th when one of our fans was kind enough to express her admiration of this virtual portal into our lives.
However, just a few days later we couldn't help but notice that this same fan had updated her myspace page.

Coincidence? No way. J-Lo granted me use of the name, and then J-Doz was so inspired by the blog she copied it. So, remember, next time you try to steal someone's online identity--we are watching.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahhhhh! ...you caught me! well, you know what we say in the biz....any press is good press bAybee!!!

Thx for da shout out!

-jennie from "the other" block

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