
Carly Allen

As always, it was a great night at skee ball. Derek/Ross remembered how much he missed the Lindskee’s and decided to be friends with us again. As always there was some tension between Derek/Ross and Kim/Kimchee.

It mostly stems from Derek’s intense Asian fetish which makes him incapable of completing full thoughts in front of Kim…we hope that with time this problem will be resolved and we can all eat Korean food together (chopsticks optional).

Bryce on the other hand might just prefer to stick to sandwiches…

As you’ve probably learned by now skee ball is a serious sport involving immense amounts of concentration and athletic prowess. So other than food, conversation last night was concentrated around the human body—namely, the arms.

“Look!,” exclaimed Jerry juice with electrifying excitement, “I have an arm! It can make the skee ball go anywhere I want it! It can find my forty or even a hundo!”

Lex wasn't entirely confident but Jerry juice, with the patience and encouragement of a father-like coach, promised her that her arm was not just skin and bones—but a true force to be reckoned with.

Lex had her doubts (and disgusts) as she looked around and saw all the annoying fun being had.

Thankfully, our secret weapon Kim was there to pump her on in their secret UGHHHHH language. (It sounds pretty much as awesome as it looks.)

And what do you know?

That arm skeed its way to victory, and we all went home feeling like winners.

*As a side note, it is important to remember that Alexis’s physical accomplishments do not correlate with her morality and friendship skillz. Perhaps one day she will learn to appreciate and share with those who care about her the most…

Skee you in a few weeks (Lindskee's are going to a "detox" clinic for a while)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

K--we get it. You play skeeball. Every Wednesday. Unless it's a special occasion, like Leroy tags along, we don't need an essay.

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