
I love SB08...Don't you?

Well, the time has come. SB08 officially ended today, but all in all it was pretty awesome. Here are some highlights.

Clearly the vacation was much needed. Alexis managed to sleep in this position for a couple hours.

Thankfully there was plenty of time to sleep in the sun.

This is when we hang out by the lagoon.

This is when we get tanked on the beach.

This is when we take pictures of ourselves on our honeymoon. On the beach, and then before our couples massage.

This is when lex fixes her awesome bathing suit top.

This is when my feet look like christmas trees

So in the end, SB08 was totally rad (in true 4Awesome fashion). It was sad to leave paradise but its nice to be back (springs coming so it won't be too long before we are in shorts again).

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