Elana told me about this thing called groupons a little bit ago. and since then its seriously been true love. the way it works is every morning you get an email w/ the deal of the day. then you can say if you want it or not, and if a certain amount of people decide they want it, then you get it. jenn and i looooooooooove groupons. we've already purchased a super cheap massage ($45 for a $125 one) and an AMAZING day trip that you will learn about in due time. basically the guys who started its goal was to give ideas about really awesome things to do in your city and help you do them for cheap. they also have the funniest copy to describe each groupon. like jessica ghersi funny.

now, if you refer someone and they buy a groupon, then you get 10 groupon bucks. so sign up and buy one so we can get some! then we'll have all these fun things to do and we'll blog more...this is jenns referral link and this is my referral link. according to jenn, im already a groupon millionare (i have 30 groupon referral bucks) so whatever. take your pick of who you want to take the referal from...ENJOY!!! and thank you elana!