
A Vendyful Time

Yesterday was the Vendy's, and it was a super fun time. Not all of us could be "Star" volunteers like Benna and get free hoodies, but Lex and I still decided to give it our all.

In fact we worked so hard, Lex was injured on the job--before the job even started.
In all seriousness though, bartending was super awesome. Despite the numb hands, we got to talk to a ton of people and we didn't even have time to be hungry really cause we were working so hard. Plus, we could drink on the job.
As much fun as we had, finally came the time to sample all the goods. Below you will find Alexis' favorite picture from the event. Something to do with me staring passionately into my arepa or something...
This is my favorite, because I'm enjoying the food with BENNA-the star volunteer of the Vendy's. Also, it looks like I have a bald spot.

1 comment:

About Benna said...

"how in the world did you make it onto jenn heinen and alexis kaplan's blog??" - undisclosed, 10/24/08

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