
I Got a Golden Ticket.

This weekend I was lucky enough to be gifted a Golden Ticket to the Circus. We were so excited we started taking awesome pictures before we even got to the shin dig.


Spice Girls:

Then our friend Astrid's dad dropped us off at the party. Since he so inspired the middle schooler in us we proceeded to take group shots as often as possible.
Then Jeff got us backstage so we could hang out with TI on stage and hit up the buffet. Sadly, Britney Spears did not show up because she knew Lex was in Miami and she would never betray her like that. Here is Jeff and his earpiece:
Also, Jessica came to town this weekend. That was really neat. So were all her souvenirs.
(don't her boobs look good? its cause she's on her period.)

1 comment:

LL said...

Was Mr. F involved in any of this? Or Gene Wilder?

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