
Is mah berday

25. old. officially too old to go on TRL. brutal, i know. i figured i might as well have the world's most fun day to get my mind off that little fun fact. Kim and I went to see a little piece of nyc history before it gets torn down. Check out the view from the press box. We played an imaginary game and made some magnificent plays. They should seriously considering drafting us. we'd be an awesome addition to the new stadium.But like all baseball players, the most fun time was the hang out time in the dugout chewin tobacco and spittin sunflower seeds.After our ball playing career came to an end, I met up w/ B. We rode the Ferris wheel in the toys R us times square. i wanted the red car w/ the yellow top and i got it, of course.You'd think after a day like this, it couldn't get any better, right? wrong. what happens next? no line at the shake shack!!!Jelsen met up w/ us and they presented me with a mini cheeseburger vacuum wrapped in brocoli. so good at gift giving, those innocents...

I spent the rest of the day with a few awesome poeple and did what i do best: hung out on the couch. Seriously this was the best birthday ever. i had the best day. thanks to all you guys for the birthday wishes and all the ridiculously awesome, thoughtful, fun presents. and thanks to kalen for pointing out that 99.9% of my presents had something to do with food.


Jenny from da BLOG said...

And thanks to Jenn for her awesome masterminding behind an awesome present. And thanks to Jenn for being my best roommate ever. And thanks to Jenn for a face that pops.

Jenny from da BLOG said...

You're Welcome.

LL said...

is kim's tongue hanging out of her mouth in that picture?

and, happy birthday belated, lex! i am sure glad you were born, not only because i like you, but because, duh! without you the blog wouldn't exist and we all know it has become the reason i stand up in the morning.

and: i always wanted one of those lil' tikes cars when i was a kid. i'm not saying i am sickeningly jealous, what i'm trying to say--very ineloquently--is that you deserve it.

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