
These Cats got Skillz

Dear Mom and Dad,

I'm having the best summer ever!!! Yesterday, we went on the coolest fieldtrip to the Catskills National Park. On the way we had to stop and get some gas. Since this was bad for the environment we decided to get some friendship hemp jewelery, which is good for the environment and our souls. Before I even put my money in the vending machine I said I wanted an anklet with Puka Shells on it and then I got it! After a really nice drive we finally got 2 the Catskills. This is my counselor Kim. She is SOOOOOOO COOL. She let us listen to Christmas music on the ride even though it was August! Isn't she SOOOOOO funny?!?!

Here is a picture of me on my hike. It was really fun and Kim taught us a song from Troop Beverly Hills (I guess it was some movie that was cool when she was my age) that was really fun to sing. Isn't Kounselor Kim SOOOOO cool?!! (Don't worry, I know counselor is actually spelled with a C but its funnier like this cause Kim's name starts with a K).

After our hike we stopped at these awesome railroad tracks with really old abandoned trains on them. Don't worry, Kim made sure there were no trains coming.
Once we knew we were safe we took some really cool scenic (Kim taught me that word) pictures that Kim said would be really nice to send home to you guys.
Finally, it was time to go back to camp and cool off. Kim is SOO funny she went on the swings with all of us campers!
Also, I finally passed my swim test, here is a picture Kim took of me swimming in the lake. Don't worry that there is no one in the lifeguard stand Kim was totally watching me.Okay I G2G but don't worry I'm having the BEST time at camp. Also, can Kim come sleepover after camp?? PLEASE?!?!? Don't worry, she is SO cool and nice I know you guys will like her.



Unknown said...

I cant believe you bought hemp jewelry that wasnt Hempress certified.

Unknown said...

that should say "elisabeth lauffer said..."

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