
My Girl Gets the Gold!!!!

wooooooooo Nastia Liuken beat that pain in the ass shawn Johnson and and won the woman's all around gold medal. some of you know my theories about these two girls. i know they hate each other, no matter what anyone says. beautiful, graceful, perfect nastia has come in second to that little weasel face her entire life. until now. yipeeeeeeeboohoooo shawn

Now Shawn, I suppose silver is somewhat commendable, but its only fair that nastia won, becuase if she didn't, her father/coach would beat the shit out of her...seriously.


Jenny from da BLOG said...

I do not support Alexis's rage

ghersionmyjersey said...

i didn't watch olympics gymnastics this year (i know. ugh.) but i fully support alexis's rage. that's how much trust i have in her. i would let her spot my straddle back, no questions asked.

Jenny from da BLOG said...

kiss ass.

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