
Sexy Can I/All About Kalen

Last night was Kalen's birthday dinner. This past Saturday was her birthday party where we gave her the best present ever--a nameplate that says "Bomber" (the name of her horse from back in the day).
Much to our pleasure, Kalen had her Bomber necklace on backwards because it was "the right way in the mirror." The restaurant we dined at was very festive and even contained a shrine to Jeff, who celebrated his birthday just this past Sunday.
After breaking out the face painting in the middle of a crowded restaurant even Leroy made an appearance...As if the night wasn't been exciting enough, it was also the eve of the epic showdown of Skeeson 9 between the Lindskee Lohans and the Monica Lewinskees. Tension was high but we had our game faces on and were ready to Roll.
And as if Kalen wasn't already showered in attention and gifts she was also awarded a gold medal just for being born.
In the end we didn't quite win. But we did get a free spatula.


LL said...

is it me, or does kim wear that shirt every day?

Kiki Colore said...

I am so confused about the spatula. I know I was there and par-took but I'd like some explanation.

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