
There no such thing as no noodles allowed.

Tomorrow Lex and I are going to a POOL party. Today we went out to BK to help our friend B make some pom poms for her upcoming wedding. Before the festivities we went out to lunch where we decided to loudly discuss our plans to smoke some dope before we made our arts and crafts. Suddenly we hear some clearing of throats and "ahems" in the background....
BUT it was okay because we had all the new toys that we purchased for the POOL party we are going to tomorrow.

There are even more in the bags but we'll show you those in action at the POOL party that we are going to tomorrow.

Summer rules.


LL said...

the cops let you off the hook because you had noodles? or because you promised to put them in the blog?

LL said...

it is good you got the noodles with holes in them (penne? or more of a bucatini? http://www.ilovepasta.org/shapes.html) for water jet fun and blowing bubbles fun.

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