
Munchkin Escapes on NY bound flight

on our way home from the photoshoot we ended up sitting w/ this giant crew of awesome hardcore New Yowka's. they all loved leroy and wanted to think of sneaky ways to get him out of his bag. finally we came up w/ this master plan to just keep our tables down so he could stick his head and paws out. then, all the sudden he like weasels his way out of the whole bag and i grab on to him and then i realize hes not in my hands anymore...i thought he just got a seat behind me so i turn to the chick back there and im like...do u have my dog? and shes liek NO! and then they discover that he was walking down the aisle!!! (that is like SERIOUSLY against the rules...hes not even supposed to stick his head out of the bag) then all the new yowka's gathered together to grab him and make sure the flight attendants didnt see. it was a serious team effort and they saved the day!

they also promised to facebook me.

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