
A couple broads abroad.

Germany may have lost the European Championship today, but it has certainly not lost our love. It is the current home of two of our blogs biggest fans.

The Expat
And our most loyal Commentator

So Danielle Marie and Elisabeth Kipp, We at 52w14 Salute You!

1 comment:

LL said...

May I also take this moment to comment on one of the many ways in which 52w14.blogspot.com has affected me. The other day, I received from Jenn (alias J 2 Da H) an invitation on the well-known website Facebook to swap little icons of our beloved Grateful Dead bears. Automatically sent with her invitation was a canned message that said something along the lines of "Jerry thought I should pass this along to you." It was not until about 20 minutes, and 18 sent GD bears of my own later, that I realized it was a reference to Jerry Garcia, late singer for the Grateful Dead, and not Jerry Juice, BrewSkeeball coach for the Lindskee Lohans. It was an embarrassing and simultaneously gratifying moment for me.

xmlns:og="http://opengraphprotocol.org/schema/" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"> 52w14