
Hoboken ain't no Joke('n)

Today we went to a pool party in Hoboken--the best place ever. We got to the pool party three hours early and didn't know anyone except our skee ball coach (Jerry Juice!). To make up for our early arrival and lack of friends we brought a ton of pool toys and our best pool attitudes and tricks.

We played the game where you jump into the inner tube.

And then I impressed everyone with my good looks. (You might notice the striking similarity between me and the blow-up crab. You might know the blow-up crab from our last Lost party)
At some point Lex got into a blow up turtle (which she stole from the building's pool storage room) with leg holes meant for 4 year olds and crossed the dangerous "no horseplay in the pool area" line. She was terrified and apparently almost drowned.
Sadly, everyone was doing their own thing...I was drunk and confused.

Sean was relaxing in his homemade neon pool hammock.

Jerry Juice! was being awesome.
Thankfully apparently being a dumbass in the pool = being popular at a pool party so soon enough --> FRIENDS!
After all the fun in the sun a nice little thunderstorm rolled in so we decided to take a break inside where Lex entered a Tetris competition. She was so into the game that she failed to notice that her soulmate was just a couple feet away--a man who loves America as much as she does.
Luckily, we've invited ourselves to all future pool parties in the greater Hoboken area so I'm sure they'll get together eventually.

Summer Rules.

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