This past Thursday was the season finale of Lost, which means it was also our last Lost party of the season. Accordingly, lex and I transformed apartment 4A into apartment 4(even more) Awesome. There were bikinis, sea-creatures, tropical drinks, and palm trees.

Being the enthusiastic Lost party fans that we are, everyone decided to dress up for the gathering. Apparently some (aka the non-white person) took "island theme" a little differently and decided to dress like An Other instead of like a tourist at a beach resort.

Even the pups got in on the Action. (full pun intended)

As the night progressed the magic of the island started to take over and we were all a little frightened by a bad omen that appeared on our wall.

Being the watchful and responsible person she is, Alexis searched long and far for approaching danger. (Please note the beautiful palm tree that is a new permanent fixture at 52w14)

All of a sudden--there it was! The Black Smoke Monster in our own home!

As you might imagine, everyone was really excited to have a real celebrity at our humble little Lost party! (It was almost as cool as the time Jerry Juice came)
It was such a glorious night we were even immortalized in a beautiful portrait (Thanks Ariel) of the 4a Oceanic 6.
From left to right: Leroy, Alexis, Murdo, Hektor, Jenn, Alex