
"Help! Help me Oprah!"

This evening, we were discussing the time Kim was on Oprah because she won an essay contest in 5th grade. As some of you might know, it is one of Lex's life dreams to be on Oprah. Tonight we decided to see if Alexis (at the age of 25.5, having graduated college (and kindergarten) TWICE) would be able to compete in that 5th grade contest with a little reading test.

For now we will just hope that Oprah will have a show about kids who can't read so good.


pubLEX said...

5th graders dont have to read infinite jest w/ a camera in their face while their two friends are uncontrollably laughing in their face. ASSHOLES.

once i get my own reality show ill be famous enough to be on oprah. you wait and see...

Elana said...

ugh, leroy was totally cheering for you!

Jenny from da BLOG said...

are your bangs curled?

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