
Visual Pregame for One More Saturday Night

Last night Kim and I decided to ride around the city for some visual pregaming of the Dead show tonight.

She finally got to show me the store she thinks I should buy my wedding dress at (since I'll probably meet my husband at the show tonight). I did some research and its actually a seriously classy and expensive establishment.
Then we kept running into likely suspects to which I'd knowingly mutter "see you at the show tomorrow." This was my favorite spotting of the evening:
BTW, those are not tickets on the windshield but cool postcards placed there by st. stephen himself (or at least him in the form of other folk who are probably going tonight too). Now I will go play outside in the sunshine, daydream* that is today.

*I'm already cracking myself up and apologize in advance to all of you who will be subjected to my shameless heady high this weekend.

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