We have chosen a winner from the millions of photo entrys we received for the people who couldn't make it in person to the "dress as your favorite blog post" contest we had at the big party this weekend.
Congratulations to Lauf. She has won with style and grace all the way from Berlin. Without further ado...
Her Intro:
Not to be a brown-noser or anything, but
seriously guys, you expect me to pick a single ONE favorite blog post?? Chyeah right! So here I present to you, as recreated a 2nd time, my salute to 52W14: ShaWING!
Her Photos complete with detailed descriptions:

Image One: "Liz is an Eggo waffle": In this picture, I am dressed as a two-year old, freezer burned (that's the bubble wrap hanging from my body) Eggo waffle, half emerged from an open plastic wrapper. Yes, I am wrapped in my duvet. Yes the freezer burn is 2 pieces of bubble wrap (there was no tulle at the Turkish market!!). Yes I cut the bottom out of a trash bag. It's conceptual people!

Image Two: Cloverfield: So, I cloverfielded it. (I also cloverfielded my room before the photo shoot, to give you some background.)

Image Three: Jenn's Dream Shirt #?": And the butterfly that emerged from the cocoon just happened to be wearing Jenn's Dream Shirt. Not only is it tye-dye, it's also cropped (okay that may be more My dream shirt) and has a "Give Blood" insignia.
We lauff you very very much. Ya did good. Love, 52w14.