
Jessica the Bestica

This morning 52w14 came across yet another totally awesome thing on the internet: digital bacon. Basically you can Bacon-ify any website by just placing bacolicio.us in front of any URL. So, we did it to 52w14 and showed a few friends our hilarious brilliance--or so we thought...Then we shared this information with Jessica, pretty much the phattest person we know (though she does get her period A LOT). She did this:
Even the title tags (that thing you see on the very top of your browser window for all you techtards/kim) saw the light.*

*52w14 loves animals...and bacon

1 comment:

ghersionmyjersey said...

i rock the internet!

xmlns:og="http://opengraphprotocol.org/schema/" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"> 52w14