
LA makes me stupid.

ok so a girl we know just got engaged (congrats brooke!) and somebody wrote this on her wall:
then this is what went down (i was completely dead serious):
Me: somebody wrote on brookes wall: congrats x0.
does that means no congrats?
Alli: Huh?

Me: congrats times 0 equals 0 congrats. why would they say that?
haaa you're a dork
Me: Why?
Alli: wait, are you being serious?
Me: yes...
Alli: it means xoxo
Me: oh...

and THEN...we went to a like a burger and milkshake place that my friend justin polk works at and on our way out i saw this shake:and i said, "i wonder what these green shakes are, everybody seems to be ordering them." alli then responded, "they're just green cups...."

my final conclusion is that i beleive it is best i return to new york and reunite with my brain.

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