
She's like a ring leader--she calls the shots

My britney crew (b, lindsay, and kalen) and i headed to new jersey.I don't care what the haters say, britneys back bitchesssss. she is the hottest sexiest most badass pop star in all the land. she put on a killer show. we all LOVED every second of it. im not gonna say much more because i bet some of our readers are going to be seeing her later in her tour (if they're lucky) and i don't wanna ruin any surprises.(don't be deceived by the quality of this photo. we were super high up. lindsays just an amazing photographer)

When we left the show we all spotted these two dudes selling tie dye britney shirts. all the sudden it turned into Operation:get jenn tie dye. we all pooled money, haggled, and eventually succeeded. it all happened so fast that we couldn't even communicate with each other and we ended up with two tie dyed britney shirts. thank god.

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