
Raiders of the Lost Tunnel

On a warm March morning, three budding archaeologists decided to hit the streets of the big apple to explore unknown terrain--the world's oldest subway tunnel.
After poking around a few manholes, they finally found the one--smack in the middle of Atlantic Avenue. Being the fearless explorers they are, they dove into the deep dark unknown with no hesitation...
They braved dark, treacherous terrain.
Examined ancient artifacts.
Started an impromtu underground rave. (Thankfully, they'd come prepared with plenty of glowsticks)
And posed for pictures.
Plus, they also got to hear the incredible story of the creation, loss (seriously they lost a tunnel), and rediscovery of the tunnel by the awesome dude who found it. Sign up to do it yourself, and learn more about Bob's organization here. BEST DIG EVER.


Frozen2late said...

I really wanna know what Jeffzilla thinks about this headlamp situation. ....

Jenn said...

I love this post....you g uysrule! awesome.

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