
I did it--cleanse officially complete!

What does a normal new yorker do after they finish a 12 day detox cleanse? they eat at one of the 8 billion nyc restaurants this wonderful city has to offer...me, not so much. jayne and i hopped in the car and headed straight to Killadelphia so we could eat at jimmy johns and properly satisfy our bread cravings.
with belly's full of tuna club's and turkey tom's we decided it was a really good idea to drive a million hours outta the way to surprise jayne's mom at her awesome new jersey elementary school (her mom is a teacher, not a student) However, we did have one student with us. his name is leroy. he had the best first day of school. he got to start in the 3rd grade becuase hes really smart.i couldn't have ended the cleanse any better except for the fact that i didn't bring back nearly enough subs. i believe there will be many more road trips to jimmy johns in the future.

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