
A New High for 52w14

I'm FLYING. In the air. On my way from SF to THE BIG APPLE. Obviously as soon as I got on I knew I had to blog from the plane. Alli had talked to me from the air once, but I just had to try it myself. At first I was a little embarrassed so I took pictures like this, trying to be secretive.
Then I realized I'M FLYING. So I started taking pictures like this. Cause there ain't no shame in blogging from space.
I CAN EVEN VCHAT. Lex decided to try and make it look like she was flying too, and it even looks a little like I'm in a cloud. Which I probably am. Because I'm Flying. Now the woman next to me definitely might think I'm a bit of a loser.

My sadness at leaving some of those I love behind in SF is totally being alleviated a little by the fact that I feel another step closer to teleporting.


Unknown said...

Hehe. You said my name.

Unknown said...


LL said...

i was there for chatting in the air! (without video :-(

xmlns:og="http://opengraphprotocol.org/schema/" xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml"> 52w14