
A Total SKEEclipse of the Heart.

"An eclipse of the moon [is] sufficient...to awaken in the superstitious brain fearful forebodings of impending calamity."

It has been known for ages, those who roll skeeballs on a lunar eclipse are in direct battle with the rotations of the lunar tides. The Lindskee Lohans, though far superior in skeellz than most, were set for victory but, in all fairness, they never really had a chance. We were doomed from the beginning, just as our fellow skeeball masters centuries ago were. The rotation of our (skee)balls was compromised by the tides of the moon and we were destined for a painful defeat. This surprising upset inspired great emotion in all involved.

Bryce was angry.
Lex was disappointed.
Jenn was sad. Eric was looking somewhere else.

Kim was....
Kimfused. (i just snorted writing that)

Everyone was cold.
T'was a night to forget.

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