
Leroy goes Skeeing

Last night was a big night. It was the first night that our dear alternate Liam Skeeed. He has long come to participate as a spectator while we let the good times roll, but finally had his chance to show his stuff. And show his stuff he did. We expect big things from him in the future (of course our dear coach Jerry Juice once said similar things about me...). Here's our boy in action:
However, while Liam was great, last night was epic for a totally different reason. It was Leroy's first outing to a bar. Everyone was overcome with excitement.

So much so in fact that Lex decided to throw out her camera in celebration (thanks to the skee.e.o's for providing us with photo documentation). Luckily, Leroy is a great model...
He was really channeling his inner human/muppet. But upon realizing he was much lower to the ground than most (and had no opposable thumbs with which to pick up a skee ball), Leroy decided to get attention the good old fashion way...

Soon enough, things started getting a little weird. Now normally when i get tanked i take my clothes off, but Leroy seemed to do just the opposite.
He was a hit, rolling was fun, and we must even give a shout out to the Lewinskees who had quite the night on the lanes. Also, mazel tov to our friends in San Fran (who had their first night of regulated play yesterday) the Live Skee Die Hards.

However, as all good things do, the night had to end at some point--besides, by the time we were done rolling it appeared the beer had gone straight to Leroy's head...
The End.

p.s. we also made tomato porn

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