
Lex and the bee.

Lex: You spelled lens wrong
Jenn: How did i spell it
Lex: L-e-n-s
Jenn: Yea...
Lex: It's l-e-n-s-e
(pause, silence)


Alex said...

um... actually lex was right... it is LENS (LENSE is an often used but incorrect spelling)

Jenny from da BLOG said...

um...actually i was right on (i spelled it lens, lex argued for lense)

From OED:
Lense: (obs)
a. trans. To make lean; to macerate. b. intr. To become lean.


1. a. A piece of glass, or other transparent substance, with two curved surfaces, or one plane and one curved surface, serving to cause regular convergence or divergence of the rays of light passing through it.

Alex said...

so sorry i got the names backwards. lex is the spelling bee drop out and you my dear are a spelling princess. humble apologies for the mistaken identity. we can now go back to making fun of lex again.

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