Twas a dreary winter day when we gathered for the most lavish of feasts. Rumors were afoot of what awaited us at the Lyndhurst castle but our greatest inspiration came from the unknown. We would say goodbye to close friends, silverware would be forbidden, and the dreams of young knights would be shattered but through it all we knew we must preserve our honor. We accepted the challenge and boarded a magical cart (disguised as a bus) that would transport us, the most talented of knights and fairest of maidens, to the greatest jousting competition in all of the land.

Upon arriving in Lyndhurst, New Jersey we soon learned that trouble was afoot. We had arrived over two hours early, and would need sustenance to survive the cold and danger that was sure to come. We explored the dangerous terrain and were lucky enough to come across a wise tavern owner who informed us that all was not well in the kingdom. It appeared word of the feast had spread and our great mortal enemies were attempting to cavort with us in the very same castle! We knew we must protect ourselves so we quickly donned our liquid armor and prepared for battle.

We entered the castle and were pleased to find a glorious party underway. We were blessed with crowns of the most honorable colors (red-and -yellow) and welcomed with open arms and utmost respect by the kingdom's royalty. Romance was in the air (we were lucky enough to document the beautiful and seductive glances our fair maidens directed towards the most dashing of the knights), the swords (made of only the finest wood) glimmered, and the wine was abundant.

Suddenly the grand hall was invaded by fierce and agile knights, disguised as young children, who began to attack our party. The battle was gruesome and the opponents worthy but we soldiered on and kept our heads high.

We refused to be defeated and fought with all our might. Well, most of us... our dear poet was too weak of heart and spirit to maintain his bearings in the face of such danger.
After what seemed like hours of difficult sword fighting we came out victorious and entered the dining hall with our heads held high.

We ate and drank plentifully, sharing laughter and tears, and watched our knight joust with incredible skill and courage. The air was filled with excitement and great pride for our dear red-and-yellow knight. Although all were high on life, some in our party were more animated and unruly than others.
Unbeknownst to us at the time, it appears a sorceress had placed a magical potion in our poet's drink which cause him to hallucinate. He grabbed what he thought was a sword (yet was actually a wine glass), and launched it in the direction of what he thought was a dragon (yet was actually a simple peasant woman). Those of us with more nobility and grace in the party were alarmed, and the castle guards responded swiftly.

We were informed that the safety of the castle had been compromised and we would have to be escorted out through the secret back door. (Yes, we got kicked out). Being the noble people we are, we exited the castle with our heads held high, and vowed to seek revenge against the evil sorceress who jinxed our knight.

Despite the excitement and glory, it had been a long afternoon and we were weary from battle.
Some wanted to call it quits but we knew our journey was not yet over as we must make it home to our loved ones.
We went, we drank, we ate, we jousted, we CONQUERED. Lyndhurst would never be the same. Neither would we...