
a taylor swift dance off

i accidentally promised my extra taylor ticket to 4 different people, so i did what any normal person would do. i turned to my favorite rom-com, fever pitch, for inspiration. 4 poeple (jayne, jenn, lindsay, and caity) have been chosen to participate in the first ever, "A Taylor Swift Dance Off" presented by part of 52w14. If they choose to enter (which which obviously they will), they will be competing to pay me $85.
the dance off will consist of different rounds such as, freeze dance, tie dance, freestyle dance, etc(suggestions welcome). i will supply the alcohol. to be fair, they will be judged not on skill, but rather on effort and creativity. obviously the choice of music will be all taylor all the time. if you'd like to be a judge and/or just come to cheer them on/laugh at them, email me for details. good luck to all the contestants.


LL said...

Will there be live webcam coverage?

Unknown said...

if there is live webcam coverage, i dont know if i can participate...wouldnt want my moves out there in public- i might start a revolution or something.

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