
i made a big mistake

It's friday night, 1:06am. I'm home because I'm trying to make sure my weirdo illness goes away for good. this time last night i was two seconds away from getting on a 6:35am flight to LA so i could go to the taylor swift (my favorite!) concert with alli and rachel. but then i called my mom and i figured now that im 25 i should make a grown up decision and not get on a germ filled plane when ive been sick for almost 2 weeks.
(photo cred:Rachel Perahia)
alli is currently having the best night of her life. perez hilton is sitting right behind her. im over being a grown up....her nyc show sold out in less than a minute. can anybody help me get a ticket?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Screw that. You should have gone to LA.

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