
Monsters Welcome

Yesterday was a great day; we picnicked with friends in Fort Greene, rode bikes, ran into Amy Poehler who said Leroy was cute, kicked off summer Skeeson, and got some new leads on our ongoing case to reveal the true identity of our favorite monster, CLOVERFIELD.

The suspects:
Jelsen Lee "Innocent"

Grandpa Uhlmann

Skee.E.O. Evan

Jerry Juice

and Kim.
CLOVERFIELD, if you are reading this please do not be scared. We will help you, we love you.

1 comment:

LL said...

confound this cultural barrier! i just had to google "cloverfield", then designate the search for "das Web" and NOT pages "auf deutsch", and then watching the trailor sans sound was not nearly as fun as kim and lex wasted in the previous post.

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