
Ahh Technology.

All the hard work I put in at Parson's was well worth it because of this awesome graduation gift Alli sent me (THANKSSSSSSSSS).
Now this game rules because you get to drive with an actual steering wheel. It also rules because through the wonder that is the information super highway, i get to race against alli whose all the way in LA. Here she is saying hello to me in WiiLand.

Now if this is how we're going to be playing video games from now on, i have a lot of practicing to do. So far alli is 3 for 3.
You guys should all leave your houses and go purchase this wonderful toy so we can all play together.

See u in WiiLand.

1 comment:

Courtesy of said...

i need to come over and play. so you're saying i need to buy my own controller?

Can i name it The Jargon Takeover?

Yes. i can.

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