my brother and i weren't allowed to have junk food in the house (probably the reason i am the way i am...) anyways every May 3rd(also my dad's birthday) was special cereal day...the best day...we got to go to publix and each pick out any box of cereal we wanted.
now i usually played it safe w/ a box of lucky charms..sometimes fruit loops or brother on the other hand would always experiment with something weird.
Being that today is special cereal day, we took a trip to gristedes (PUKEstedes according to jenn). at first i was gonna take my brothers strategy and get cinnabon cereal..but then i changed my mind and decided i just wanted to get lucky charms...and of course PUKEstedes didn't have any...but then i found the perfect compromise...fuit loops w/ marshmallows!

happy special cereal day!